
支持 & 社区

我们的学生构成了MG线上电子游戏校园的核心, 与教师合作, staff 和 each other to ensure they have a 社区 that reflects 和 honors their diversity. 他们享受到满足他们所有饮食需求的食物, 以及健康和学术支持,让他们茁壮成长. Set in a vibrant residential neighborhood with access to all Denver has to offer, you'll experience the benefits of a tight-knit liberal arts school 和 a big-city university at the same time.

You'll build friendships with students from around the world in student housing. Our academic support services ensure you have expert help on a huge range of topics. Professional on-campus health 和 counseling services will help you stay healthy 和 comfortable in your new home.

Our dining hall provides made-from-scratch meals using local 和 sustainable ingredients, 涵盖了从地中海到中国的菜系. Abundant vegetarian, vegan 和 allergy-friendly options ensure everyone has plenty of choices.

Food options mere steps away from campus range from pizza to Thai 和 Lebanese, 骑自行车或坐火车就可以到达城市的其他地方, you'll have the the opportunity to take advantage of Denver's growing 和 diverse cultural scene. 无论你喜欢墨西哥卷饼卡车还是品尝菜单, 旧货店或精品店, 博物馆或舞厅, 丹佛给人兴奋和灵感.

Our students' passion 和 involvement make our 社区 truly special. 从欢迎你来到学校的那一刻起, 你要贡献你的想法和声音, blazing a trail that will help lead our dynamic 和 diverse 社区 into the future. 我们期待您的加入.


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    我们的建筑可以追溯到19世纪90年代, 建于20世纪30年代, 1950s 和 early 21st century all meshing to create a gorgeous 和 unified campus.

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    We've opened 19 new academic, residential 和 administrative buildings since 1997.

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    从2006年到2015年,我们的碳足迹减少了27%, 尽管校园面积增长了9%. 

  • 排球

    最初是作为植物园设计的, 我们绿树成荫的校园为户外活动提供了广阔的空间.

  • 音乐

    纽曼表演艺术中心拥有400多家剧院, 音乐和舞蹈表演一年, 从学生到国际巡演音乐家.

  • 攀岩

    参加里奇中心的运动和健身活动, 它是我们许多俱乐部和校内运动的场地. 它还设有库尔斯健身中心, where swimmers 和 ice skaters can take advantage of the Olympic-sized pool 和 the Joy Burns Arena.

  • 学生们在一起

    Our dining halls offer made-from-scratch meals that can be customized to meet any dietary need.


住房 & 餐厅

First- 和 second-year students live on campus 和 have meal plans for their first two years. 这是DU经历中最令人难忘的部分之一. 不仅仅是一个睡觉的地方, residence halls provide the perfect setting for developing friendships 和 building communities with students from across the globe.

That 社区 building often happens over meals at our dining hall 和 variety of retail dining options. 承诺负责任的采购, 划痕烹饪和饮食敏感性, 我们提供的食物不仅仅是美味, but that takes into account the health of individual students 和 the planet. Our chef will gladly confer with any student about their dietary needs, making sure to address any concerns before that student arrives on campus.






我们位于丹佛市的中心, with easy access to its colorful 和 lively neighborhoods by foot 和 bicycle. Quality public transportation makes exploring other parts of the city a breeze. 一些学生也选择把他们的车开到校园.



Denver has an excellent public transportation system that connects DU to the entire city. Of central importance is the light rail, which has a stop adjacent to campus. 乘坐轻轨可以方便地前往丹佛的各个目的地, 从市中心到机场和郊区. +, the city's extensive bus system covers all of Denver 和 offers options to travel as far as Boulder, 科罗拉多斯普林斯和柯林斯堡.


骑自行车 & 走

杜的社区非常适合步行和骑自行车. The variety of nearby resources means you can often find what you need a brief walk from campus. 我们也有一个蓬勃发展的自行车共享项目和配套服务, 包括学生自行车修理工, 自行车修理站,甚至为骑自行车上下班的人提供淋浴.



Parking is available on campus for those who choose to bring their cars. If you don't bring your car but want access to a vehicle for occasional use, 我们有几种汽车共享选择, 有些还为学生提供折扣. 我们也可以选择和其他学生一起拼车.





健康 & 咨询服务

Physical 和 mental health problems can derail a student's college experience. We combat that by providing physical 和 mental health services through our 健康 和 咨询中心. The center offers integrated 和 inclusive healthcare so students can maximize their opportunities at DU. 健康和咨询中心为所有学生提供服务.



卫生部门提供的医疗服务 & 咨询中心包括:

  • 日常保健
  • 紧急护理
  • 旅游健康
  • 免疫接种
  • 妇女的健康
  • 药店

我们提供咨询,帮助学生应对许多问题, 包括抑郁症, 药物滥用, 悲伤与学术动机



预防倡导中心 & 赋权

倡导预防中心 & 赋权 (CAPE) supports survivors of gender-based violence by advocating for victims of sexual assault, 暴力的关系, 跟踪和性骚扰. 服务包括:

  • 新MG线上电子游戏选择和资源的教育
  • Assistance with reporting 和 navigating University, medical, criminal 和 legal systems
  • 协助安排学术住宿
  • 转介个人及/或团体辅导




We're dedicated to giving students with disabilities the opportunity to participate in our 项目, 课程及活动. We provide accommodations at no cost to students with documented disabilities. 服务包括:

  • 测试条件(例如:延长时间,尽量减少干扰)
  • 替代格式的文本和材料
  • 提前报名、补课、换课
  • 记录员,手语/口语翻译
  • 转介到其他服务和项目




154年,000-square-foot 安德森学术公地 is home to our main library 和 doubles as headquarters for our academic support services. The Academic Commons holds nearly eight linear miles of library collections 和 provides access to hundreds of databases. 有大量的小组自习室, 电脑和前廊咖啡馆, 安德森是我们学术生活的中心.
